Lesson 26 – الدرس السَّادِسُ وَالْعِشْرُونَ

Composite Number (B) المركب العددي

Exercise - تَدْرِيبٌ

  • This is also an exercise part in our free Arabic language course. This Arabic course with images and audios will help you learn Arabic.
  • In this section we will have multiple questions to test your understanding of the principles we have learned In-Shā'-Allâh (God willing). To answer the questions:

o   Type the complete answer for the following questions by selecting the question and using the on-screen keyboard or your actual keyboard.

o   Use the Shift key to enter characters on the upper portions of the letters and use full diacritics in your answers – e.g. fathah, kasrah, sukūn etc.

o   Do not use diacritics in the following cases:

§  The Alif followed by laam ال (while the laam itself can be signed with a vowel)

§  The laam followed by alif لا (while the Alif itself can be signed when it comes with hamzah).

§  Do not put the small Alif on words like هٰذا

§  Do not put diacritics on long vowels.

o   Upon completion of all questions, click on the Mark button to see the correct answer and to get your mark.

  • For more instructions click here.

حَوِّلِ الرَّقْمَ إِلَى عَدَدٍ مَكْتُوبٍ

  • The Arabic sentence above means "change each number from the digital form into words".  In each of the sentences below simply type the words using the keyboard including the vowel-marks which have been omitted. 
حَضَرَ الاجتماع (50) طالِبًا
50 students attended the meeting
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جَلَسْتُ مع (6) صَدِيقاتٍ
I sat with six female friends
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زارَ أبي (13) بَلَداً
My father visited 13 countries
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في بلدي أكثر من (20) جَامِعَة
In my country, are more than twenty universities
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في المُسْتَشْفى (9) أَطِبَّاء و(5) طَبِيبات
In the hospital, are 5 male doctors and 5 female doctors
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مات في الحرب (3000) رَجُلٍ
In the war, 3000 men died
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اشْتَرَيْتُ مَلابِسِي بـ (500) جُنَيْهٍ
I bought my clothes with 500 pounds
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رأيتُ (11) رَجُلاً
I saw 11 men
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حَضَرَ الدرْسَ (12) طَالِبةً
12 female students attended the lesson
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عُمري الآن (25) عامًا
My age now is 25 years
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